July 2020 [Vol. 15]: 10 Important Technology And Innovation Tweets.
Welcome to the July 2020 edition of '10 Important Technology And Innovation Tweets'. The tweets are mostly listed in chronological order. Tweet 01 The UAE's 5G network is set to deliver rapid connectivity that will further facilitate the proliferation of smart services, machine-to-machine communication, and connected transport. #BusinessDubai pic.twitter.com/XCJG63M89Y — Business Dubai (@BusinessDubai) June 21, 2020 Tweet 02 ๐ Introducing... Methods! We are now tracking 730+ building blocks of machine learning: optimizers, activations, attention layers, convolutions and much more! Compare usage over time and explore papers from a new perspective. Browse the catalogue here: https://t.co/XGFUzV3ELU — Papers with Code (@paperswithcode) July 8, 2020 Tweet 03 Are U Ready to turn into a Human #Cyborg ? #wearable #MixedReality #Google #Skinmarks @ipfconline1 @NevilleGaunt @dinisguarda @TerenceLeungSF @chboursin @Ronald_vanLoon @WearableGuru @AkwyZ @JBa...