February 2022: Top 10 Technology and Innovation Tweets
Welcome to the February 2022 edition of 'Top 10 Technology and Innovation Tweets'. The tweets are mostly listed in chronological order. Tweet 01 Check out my latest article:Why is your #health data so yummy? https://t.co/GdnsoemZ7y #DataScience #Data #TechForGood #IoT #Flutter #Serverless #100DaysOfCode #coding #TensorFlow #python #javascript #NLP #HealthTech #technology #DigitalHealth #cybersecurity #cybercrime #data pic.twitter.com/ut2ehMVxza — Dr. Monika Sonu, CEO Healthinnovationtoolbox (@sonu_monika) February 3, 2022 Tweet 02 Honored to be named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics!๐๐ฅณ I am thankful to my collaborators who helped me to create and research Ethical AI systems that challenges injustices in gig work. It takes a team to conduct impactful research! ๐See: https://t.co/8pFYFdyyLq pic.twitter.com/an7mDEivg3 — Dr. Saiph Savage ๐๐งช (@saiphcita) February 3, 2022 Tweet 03 Startup idea: ship it sooner than planned and ask for f...