April 2020 [Vol. 12]: 10 Important Technology And Innovation Tweets.
Welcome to the April 2020 edition of '10 Important Technology And Innovation Tweets'. The tweets are mostly listed in chronological order.
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Thank you for reading.
Stay safe in Covid19 pandemic.
Tweet 01
Tweet 02#ArtificialIntelligence Decodes Speech from #Brain Activity: Study #AI #MachineLearning #HealthTech— Margaret Siegien ๐ซ (@MargaretSiegien) April 2, 2020
V/@MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario https://t.co/bVPf1s1JHs
Tweet 03South Korea has the highest concentration of #robots in the world.๐ HT @vicenews via @ingliguori #DYK #dx #AI #4IR #Robotics @enricomolinari @antgrasso @MikeQuindazzi @alvinfoo @HaroldSinnott @Hana_ElSayyed @PawlowskiMario @Paula_Piccard @HeinzVHoenen @kuriharan @Ronald_vanLoon pic.twitter.com/ElRfpgTYot— Giuliano Liguori (@ingliguori) April 3, 2020
Tweet 04AI will add $16 trillion to the global #economy by 2030#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #futureofwork #fintech #healthcare #Retail @alvinfoo @jblefevre60 @psb_dc @ShiCooks @Julez_Norton @ylecun @HaroldSinnott @labordeolivier @Fabriziobustama @guzmand @Paula_Piccard @sallyeaves pic.twitter.com/SacBpIUT8f— Xavier Gomez (@Xbond49) April 8, 2020
Tweet 05I just published "Concurrency in Python" in @TDataScience https://t.co/y44bToxRDD— Erik-Jan (@erikyan) March 31, 2020
Tweet 06We believe that the world is in dire need of health infrastructure at the moment. Understanding this need we've developed a rapidly deployable health infrastructure technology named mediCAB.— Modulus Housing (@ModulusHousing) April 13, 2020
Visit : https://t.co/me8KKghjyS#rapid #hospitals pic.twitter.com/2qD2lyvwMw
Tweet 07Interesting: #Swift to take one #Visa #Mastercard #Ripple B2B payments in SME's#VC #fintech #finserv #finance #banks #blockchain #regtech @BrettKing @Xbond49 @psb_dc @SpirosMargaris @cgledhill @FinMKTG @TheRudinGroup @Damien_CABADIhttps://t.co/MkiStWHBSK— John C. Maxwell III (@maxjcm) April 6, 2020
Tweet 08Using an integrated array of AI capabilities, companies are injecting emotional intelligence into their systems to help intuit a user’s mood and engage in a more human manner. Link > https://t.co/hS2IO95ALu @DeloitteInsight via @antgrasso #AI #CustomerExperience #TechTrends pic.twitter.com/HlX66ABJ3Z— Antonio Grasso (@antgrasso) April 21, 2020
Tweet 098 #EmergingTechnologies for leading Enterprises @PwC via @MikeQuindazzi | #IoT #AI #Robotics #Blockchain #Drones #VR #AR #3Dprinting #futureofwork #DeepLearning #IoT #BigData #MachineLearning | @labordeolivier @FrRonconi @HaroldSinnott @enricomolinari @evankirstel @PawlowskiMario pic.twitter.com/NI2sf8MGL1— Hana (@Hana_ElSayyed) April 23, 2020
Tweet 10The Multi-Billion Dollar Industry That Lives Off Your Data: multi-billion dollar industry making a living from your personal data. How much do they know about you?#BigData #Analytics #EmergingTech #DigitalTransformation #Industry40 #4IR #SocialMedia— Dr. Marcell Vollmer #SocialDistancing #StayHome (@mvollmer1) April 25, 2020
Coronavirus: Raspberry Pi-powered ventilator to be tested in Colombiahttps://t.co/uKQIq0NCJ4#TeamGratton #AI #Innovation #ML #Industry40 pic.twitter.com/CdQMf7iid9— Dean Anthony Gratton (@grattonboy) April 25, 2020
Thank you for reading.
Stay safe in Covid19 pandemic.

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