September 2021: Top 10 Technology and Innovation Tweets
Tweet 01
Tweet 02A cool concept smartphone with a built-in camera drone by Vivo.
— Alvin Foo (@alvinfoo) September 2, 2021
Tweet 03Statistics and Machine Learning in #Python (FREE 300-page PDF):
— Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne) September 6, 2021
—————#Statistics #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Coding #DataScientists #BigData #DataScience #AI
Tweet 04This machine can smooth out concrete
— Ronald van Loon (@Ronald_vanLoon) September 7, 2021
by @gigadgets_#Automation #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #RPA #Robotics #Industry40 #4IR #IIoT #Engineering
Cc: @chr1sa @stanfordnlp @wesmckinn
Tweet 05Cybersecurity and #Cryptocurrency: Lessons Learned from One of the Biggest Digital Heists in Taiwan @Katherine_M_T @ChauDave @digitalcloudgal @Xbond49 @maxitaxi3333 @isadorabogle @wGrAttitude#Fintech #Crypto #DeFi #Insurtech #CyberSecurity
— Dr. Robin Kiera (@stratorob) September 9, 2021
Promoted Tweet👉 @IBM Launches #Cloud Satellite via @Analyticsindiam#CloudComputing #EdgeComputing
— ipfconline (@ipfconline1) September 11, 2021
Cc @andi_staub @jblefevre60 @Fisher85M @JoannMoretti @MarshaCollier @Ym78200
Promotion InformationPyroscope is a new open source continuous profiler!
— Pyroscope (@PyroscopeIO) February 11, 2021
- Only takes 3 lines of code to install
- See exactly which lines of code consume CPU resources
- View profiles as large as 1 year or as granular as 10 seconds
- Compresses data 10x more efficiently than gzip 👀 #opensource
Tweet 06Contact @joshinishad83 or @Top10TechTweets to have your tweet promoted in the next Top 10 Tech Tweets compilation.#AI #ML #DL #AR #VR #3D #UI #UX #IoT #IIoT #5G #DigitalTransformation #BigData #Python #NLU #Flutter #Drones #SelfDriving #Robotics #BigTech #Algorithms #Blockchain
— Blog: Top 10 Tech, Innovation and Startup Tweets (@Top10TechTweets) April 17, 2021
Tweet 07💥Apple Car Charging Station!#AI #MachineLearning #VFX @gigadgets_@SpirosMargaris @DeepLearn007 @PawlowskiMario @mvollmer1 @gvalan @ipfconline1 @diioannid @Shi4Tech @Fisher85M @kalydeoo @Ym78200 @Nicochan33 @Fabriziobustama @HaroldSinnott
— Jean-Baptiste Lefevre (@jblefevre60) September 13, 2021
Tweet 08⚡️ “World's biggest #carbon-sucking plant opens in Iceland” by @nowthisnews #AI #ML #DL #Flutter #twitme #Python #WomenWhoCode #100DaysOfCode #CyberSecurity #InfoSec #DataScience #3D #5G #AgriTech #CX #SAP #NLU #Drones #Robotics #Cloud #SolarEnergy
— Ankita N Joshi (@Ankita_N_Joshi) September 22, 2021
Tweet 09A great compilation of the different #DigitalTransformation Frameworks from Top Consulting Firms #MachineLearning #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #cybersecurity #Blockchain #DX #Analytics #Industry40 #AI #IIoT #DataScience #IoT
— Roberto Demidchuk (@R_Demidchuk) September 23, 2021
Tweet 10Good read
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) September 24, 2021
The 7 Biggest #AI #Trends In 2022 #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @BernardMarr @ipfconline1 @andi_staub @YuHelenYu @DioFavatas @Paula_Piccard @SabineVdL @JeroenBartelse @JeroenBartelse @MariaFariello1
Bonus Tweet (we have included 11th entry as Maria Fariello's tweet on AI is too good to miss)Unmanned Aeriel System Technology in #Agriculture!#Sustainability
— Olivier Laborde #Money2020 Europe 9/21-9/23 📲 (@labordeolivier) September 27, 2021
v/@InformerAi@sebbourguignon @tewoz @kalydeoo @AshokNellikar @Shi4Tech @CurieuxExplorer @NevilleGaunt @JeroenBartelse @FrRonconi @MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @3itcom
Is #DeepMind’s new reinforcement learning system a step toward general #AI? @sallyeaves @SabineVdL @terence_mills @floriansemle @Damien_CABADI @chboursin @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @pierrepinna @SpirosMargaris @andi_staub @Salz_Er @ipfconline1
— Maria Fariello (@MariaFariello1) September 27, 2021
Thank you for reading.
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